RESOURCESGeneralHEARING IMPAIRMENTA-Z Islamic signs in BSL book, flashcards, colouring book
www.aminyasmin.com VISUAL IMPAIRMENTAUTISMBook: My name is Nadia. I have Autism. Available at www.MuhsinKids.com
Cerebral PalsyBook: My name is Mikail. I have Cerebral Palsy. Available at www.MuhsinKids.com
Classes/tuitionMadrasah Tuyoorul Jannah (Blackburn)
Madrasah for Children and Adults with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities www.tj4senmuslims.co.uk Tuyoorul Jannah- FB Page Abu Hurairah Academy (Bradford)
Dedicated class for SEN/D pupils within their Madrasah. Previously, also ran a class in sign language which they hope to re-launch soon. They also have a Braille Quran teacher. www.abuhurairah.org @AHAcademy Shining Beacons SEND Madrassah
We cater for both physical and intellectual special educational needs and disabilities. We provide a tailored and individual curriculum in small classes. Email: [email protected] Instagram: @shiningbeacons Manaarah for SEND (Bradford)
We are a Islamic educational establishment exclusively for children with SEND in which they can learn and love their religion. @manaarahforsend Maktoom Madrasah (Preston)
Caters for families with children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities [email protected] 01772 900786 Al-Qalam Tarbiyah Centre (Preston)
Madrasah catering for children with visual impairment and SEN. 07713156105 Inclusive Learning Matters (Bolton)
Organisation focusing on teaching Islamic Studies through a hands-on approach accommodating SEN children and others. Inclusive Learning Baseera (London)
Baseera is a specialist institution dedicated to the Islamic education and development of Muslims with disabilities and special needs. www.baseera.co.uk Fatimah Elizabeth Cates Academy (London)
Although not providing classes exclusively for SEND pupils, they have a qualified SENDCo who liaises with class staff to meet their individual needs. www.fatimahelizabethcates.co.uk Al Isharah (London)
Aims to break down complex Islamic concepts and Quranic Arabic into a BSL friendly format, making Islam accessible to the deaf community. www.alisharah.com @alisharah East End Islamic Centre (London)
Tailored classes for children with SEND. To provide the essential foundation in children's Islamic education and develop social and moral skills to create children who are confident and secure in their faith. 07852961439 UKIM Masjid Ibrahim & Islamic Centre (London)
Maktab class for children with Autism to study Quranic and Islamic Education. Staff include 4 SEN teachers and 2 Speech and Language Therapists. www.masjidibrahim.co.uk Quran Club (Middlesex)
Madrasah class for Autism with flexible options. Instagram: quran.club 07305996659 Islam For Deaf (Birmingham)
Muslim organisation with broader aims and objectives in relation to services for Muslims with hearing difficulties. www.islamfordeaf.co.uk Islam for Deaf Darul Ilm Birmingham - SEN Madrasah (Birmingham)
Quran and Islamic Studies for SEND taught by qualified teachers using activity based learning. www.darul-ilm.co.uk Selly Oak Arabic School (Birmingham)
Dedicated class for children with SEN 07931486853 / 075764231389 The River of Knowledge Private Academy (Birmingham)
Provides Islamic education for children and adults with Autism, learning disabilities and other needs. [email protected] 07401569245 Project Bilal (Leicester)
Project Bilal caters for children aged 8-19 with special needs and disabilities at a local centre near Masjid Ali in Leicester. www.projectbilal.org.uk @projectbilal Little Treasures SEN Madrasah (Leicester)
SEN Madrasah for a wide spectrum of educational, behavioural and emotional needs. 07427483886 Muhsen (America)
Muhsen is a non-profit umbrella organisation serving the community to establish a more inclusive special-friendly' environment for our Brothers and Sisters of all disabilities. www.muhsen.org Madrasa An-Noor (South Africa)
Madrasah catering for the bind to learn basic and advanced Islamic Studies. Overseas a number of similar projects around the world. www.mnblind.org Al-Waagah - Formerly Oasis Deaf Society (South Africa)
Seek to empower Muslims with hearing difficulties. Provide educational and other services. www.alwaagahislamicinstituteforthedeaf.wordpress.com www.sites.google.com/site/alwaagahoasis/home Al-Waagah Islamic Institute for the Deaf Cape Town NPO Number 062 742 OTHERS SEND SERVICESAmin & Yasmin
Provide awareness programs and products to support the deaf and autistic. www.aminyasmin.com Amin & Yasmin Muslim Deaf UK
Muslim Deaf UK (MDUK) is the first national Deaf organisation to support Deaf Muslims in the development and learning of their faith and culture. www.muslimdeaf.org Deen Ability
'The Inclusive Islamic Education Project' based in Luton. The vision for DeenAbility is to help provide Islamic Education opportunities for children with disabilities. www.facebook.com/deenability |
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